Andrew Tudor

Meridian One, Inc.,2003 - present
Des Plaines, IL
Engineering Assistant and Technician
Center for the Simulation of Advanced Rockets (CSAR), Novmber 2007 – September 2011
Urbana, IL
Undergraduate Researcher
Illinois Rocstar LLC, October 2010 – September 2011
Champaign, IL
Undergraduate Researcher
Glenview Park District, June 2005 - 2007
Glenview, IL
University of California at Los Angeles
Graduate Student in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering --- Present
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
B.S. Aerospace Engineering --- June 2011
Published Papers
H. Lee, M. Brandyberry, A. Tudor, K. Matous. Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Statistically Optimal Unit Cells of Polydisperse Particulate Composites from Microtomography. Physicial Review E, 80(061301), 2009.
Brian T. Gockel, Andrew W. Tudor, Mark D. Brandyberry, Ravi C. Penmetsa1, and Eric J. Tuegel. Challenges with Structural Life Forecasting using Realistic Mission Profiles.Air Vehicles Directorate U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory. Soon to be published.
Research Papers (unpublished)
A.W. Tudor, M.D. Brandyberry. Simulation and Force Analysis of a T-38 Performing a Touch-And-Go Maneuver. Midwest Structural Center. September 2011
A. Tudor, K. Matous. Propellant Reconstruction and Tomography. Center For The Simulation of Advanced Rockets. July 2009.
Philippe Becret, Shayan Dhanani, Ryan Frasca, Rob Olivo, Anthony Papa, Andrew Tudor. Mission Design for Elimination and Collection of Swarm Style Spacecraft. April 2011. For Submission to AIAA competition.
Contact Information
Engineering IV
420 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90095
cell: 847.436.7646