Ibrahim Al-Shyoukh

Current Research
My research interests are in modeling and distributed optimization of complex systems. My current efforts relate to two main areas: modeling and control of complex adaptive systems, and the modeling and optimization of complex biological systems.
Postdoctoral Scholar
University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA U.S.A (July. 2007 - current)
Graduate student researcher
University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA U.S.A (Sept. 2002 - June 2007)
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL U.S.A. (Sept. 2002 - June 2007)
M.Sc. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan (Sept. 1993 - Sept. 1997)
B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering
Ibrahim Al-Shyoukh∗, Yuan Tian∗, Karen Yan, and Ren Sun. Investigation of the effect of relative time of application of multiple stimuli on kshv reactivation. Manuscript in preparation, 2011. * These authors contributed equally.
Xianting Ding, David Jesse Sanchez, Arash Shahangian, Ibrahim Al-Shyoukh, Genhong Cheng, and Chih- Ming Ho. Cascade search for hsv-1 combinatorial drugs with high antiviral efficacy and low toxicity. Submitted for publication, 2011.Ibrahim Al-Shyoukh∗, Fuqu Yu∗, Jiaying Feng, Karen Yan, Steven Dubinett, Chih-Ming Ho, Jeff S. Shamma, and Ren Sun. Systematic quantitative characterization of cellular responses induced by multiple signals. BMC Systems Biology, 5(1):88, 2011. * These authors contributed equally.
Fuqu Yu∗, Ibrahim Al-Shyoukh∗, Jiaying Feng, Xudong Li, Chia Wei Liao, Chih-Ming Ho, Jeff S. Shamma, and Ren Sun. Control of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus reactivation induced by multiple signals. PLoS ONE, 6(6):e20998, 06 2011. * These authors contributed equally.
Al-Shyoukh, I. A., Shamma, J. S., Switching Supervisory Control Using Calibrated Forecasts, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 54(4), 2009 pdf .
Sun, C., Usui, T., Yu, F., Al-Shyoukh, I. A., Shamma, J. S., Sun, R., Ho, C.-M., Integrative systems control approach for reactivating Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) with combinatory drugs. Integrative Biology , 2009, Available online.
Contact Information
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department
Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology
University of California Los Angeles
Factor Building - Room 10-155
650 Charles E. Young Dr. South
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Tel. (310) 794 - 5125
Email: shyoukh@ucla.edu