Jongeun Ryu

Mechanical and Aeropspace Engineering June 2009
Thesis: Nanomanufacturing Processes for Biofuel Cells and Sensors (Advisor: Prof. H. Thomas Hahn)
Multifunctional Composites Laboratory
Mechanical and Aeropspace Engineering March 2006
Thesis: Influence of Reflow Profile on the Thermal Fatigue Behaviors of BGA Solder Joint (Advisor: Prof. S.B. Lee)
Computer Aided Reliability Evaluation Laboratory
Mechanical and Aeropspace Engineering March 2004
Visiting Student, Tohoku University, Japan
Inoue Lab., Mechanical Engineering 2002-2003
Post-doctoral, UCLA Nano Research Group (PI: Professor Yong Chen) Sept. 2009 - Present
Nanolithosolution, San Marco, CA. Technical consulting
Sept. 2009 - Present
LG Electronic Digital Appliance R&D, Seoul, Korea
2002 Summer
- J. Ryu, H.S. Kim, S.E. Lee, H.T. Hahn, D. Lashmore, "Carbon nanotube mat as mediator-less glucose sensor electrode" Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 10, pp. 941-947, 2010
- J. Ryu, H.S. Kim, H.T. Hahn, "Sugar-powered fuel cells" (Plastics research online, Society of plastics engineers, 2009, DOI: 10.1002/spe pro.000051)
- J. Ryu, D. Dehlinger, M.J. Heller, H.T. Hahn, "Electrophoretic layer-by-layer assembly of biotin/avidin functionalized nanoparticles" Particle and Particle System Characterization 26, pp. 275-282, 2009
- J. Ryu, H.S. Kim, H.T. Hahn, D. Lashmore, "Carbon nanotubes with platinum nano-islands as glucose biofuel cell electrodes" Biosensors and Bioelectronics 25, pp. 1603-1608, 2009
- J. Ryu, K.H. Kim, H.S. Kim, H.T. Hahn, D. Lashmore, "Intense pulsed light induced platinum-gold alloy formation on carbon nanotubes for non-enzymatic glucose detection" accepted Biosensors and Bioelectronics
- J. Zhu, S. Wei, J. Ryu, M. Budhathoki, G. Liang, Z. Guo, "In-situ stabilized carbon nanofibers (CNFs) reinforced epoxy nanocomposites" Journal of Materials Chemistry 20, pp. 4937-4948, 2010
- J.S. Kang, H.S. Kim, J. Ryu, H.T. Hahn, S.H. Jang, J.W. Joung, "Inkjet printed electronics using copper nanoparticle ink" Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics doi:10.1007/s10854-009-0049-3)
- J. Zhu, S. Wei, J. Ryu, L. Sun, Z. Luo, Z. Guo, "Magnetic Epoxy Resin Nanocomposites Reinforced with Core-Shell Structured Fe@FeO Nanoparticles: Fabrication and Property Analysis" ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2, pp. 2100-2107, 2010
- J. Ryu, H.S. Kim, H.T. Hahn, "Reactive sintering of copper nanoparticles using intense pulsed light" accepted Journal of Electronic Materials
- J. Zhu, L. Zhang, Y. Mao, P, Mavinakuli, D. Young, Z. Guo, S. Wei, J. Ryu, A. Karki, "Conductive Polypyrrole/Tungsten Oxide Metacomposites with Negative Permittivity" accepted Journal of Physical Chemistry C
- H.S. Kim, J. Huh, J. Ryu"Investigation of moisture induced delamination failure in a semiconductor package via multi-scale mechanics" \ invited manuscript Journal of Physics D: Applied physics
- J.S. Kang, J. Ryu, H.S. Kim, H.T. Hahn, S. Jang, J.W. Joung, "Sintering of inkjet printed silver nanoparticles at a room temperature by using the intense pulsed light" submitted
- H.S. Kim, J. Ryu, H.T. Hahn, D. Lashmore, "Processing and Characterization of Carbon Nanotube Mat/Epoxy Composites" submitted
- Z. Guo, J. Zhu, S. Wei, L. Zhang, Y. Mao, J. Ryu, N. Haldolaarachchige, A. Karki, D. Young, "Polyaniline-Tungsten Oxide Metacomposites with Tunable Electronic Properties" submitted
Conference Presentations and Papers
- J. Ryu, T. Saotome, H.T. Hahn, D. Lashmore, "Carbon Nanotube Mat Biocomposite for Enzymatic Glucose/O2 Biofuel Cell," ANTEC 2009, Chicago, USA, June 2009
- J. Ryu, H.S. Kim, H.T. Hahn, D. Lashmore, "Mediator-less Glucose Biosensor Based on Carbon Nanotube Mat," ASC 23rd Technical Conference, USA, Sept. 2008
- J. Ryu, H.T. Hahn, D. Lashmore, "Mediator-less Glucose Sensor Based on Carbon Nanotube Mat Electrode," US-Korea Conference, San Diego, USA, Aug. 2008
- J. Ryu, T. Saotome, H.T. Hahn, D. Lashmore, "Carbon Nanotube Mat Biocomposite for Enzymatic Glucose/O2 Biofuel Cell," ANTEC 2009, pp. 530 - 534
- J. Ryu, H.S. Kim, H.T. Hahn, D. Lashmore, "Mediator-less Glucose Biosensor Based on Carbon Nanotube Mat," ASC 23rd Technical Conference, Memphis, USA, Sept. 2008
Scholarships and Awards
PerkinElmer Award, Society of Plastics Engineers | 2008-2009 |
Korean Honor Scholarship, Korean Heritage Scholarship Foundation | 2008-2009 |
Research Assistantship, UCLA | 2006-2009 |
Academic Scholarship, KAIST | 2004-2006 |
Academic Excellence Scholarship, KAIST | 1999-2004 |
Contact Information
38-137B, Engineering IV
420 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90095