Wei Bao

Personal Interest: Traveling, Badminton, Swimming
Personal Belief: There is no question that cannot be answered and no mystery that cannot be understood. The imagination of the human brain is boundless. Nothing exceeds human intelligence!
Current Research
Integrate distributed ART into Neuromorphic circuit.
Peking University, P.R. China
B.S. Physics, minor in Chemistry (Sept. 2005 - July 2009)
University of California, Los Angeles
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering (Sept. 2009- Present)
Apr. 2007 -Jul.2009 President's Undergraduate Research Fellowship, Peking University
State Key Laboratory for Mesoscopic Physics
Advisor: Prof. Lu-Qun Zhou
Sep. 2008 -Jul.2009 B.S. Dissertation
Institute of Condensed Matter and Material Physics, School of Physics, Peking University
Advisor: Prof. Guang-Shan Tian
Selected Publications
Wei Bao, Lu-Qun Zhou, Zhuo Gao, Robust Entrainment Phenomena of Oscillations by Delay Time in photosensitive Oregonator model Physical Review E Vol.79 016214 ( 2009 )
Honors and Awards
2006 3rd prize in National Physics Competition for College Students
2006-2008 May 4th scholarship in Peking University
2007-2008 CNPC scholarship in Peking University
2007-2008 President's Undergraduate Research Fellowship, Peking University
2007-2008 Chinese Natural Science Foundation and National Fund for Fostering Talents of Basic Science (NFFTBS) J0630311
2009 Excellent President's Undergraduate Research Paper Award, Peking University
2009-2010 UCLA MAE Fellowship
Contact Information
44-116,Engineering IV
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department
University of California, Los Angeles
California, 90095
Phone: (510) 717-7737
Email: weib@seas.ucla.edu